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Search results

  1. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    Darcy used signal beam and directly hit the Swampert in the forehead, sending him into a fit of confusion, and forcing it to back off. Suddenly a Gyarados burst from the water, firing it's own Hydro Pump. Raze quickly dodged, nearly sending Darcy off of his tail. In a fit of rage Darcy used...
  2. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Raze mused a thought than replied to Feht, "Well, my geuss is that good ol' Percy'll have heard of us being here already, and therefore he'll have a welcome person. Hopefully it isn't Lori again, that Starly had no courtesy. Anyways, uh...right, Percy'll probably keep us over night...
  3. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Darcy gratefully accepted the berry, and hopped onto Raze's tail, waiting for Feht to take her place. He was ready to get to Percy's guild as quickly as possible. (short post is short) Tag - Feht
  4. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    GM Announcement: I'd appreciate it if everyone would get to this poit in the day, as the plot may or may not start soon... IC - Darcy The next morning Darcy awoke to the twittering of far off Starly and other birds. Raze was still asleep, along with Feht. Smiling, Darcy proceeded to the nearby...
  5. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Darcy held back an eruption of laughter to Feht's comment, and smiled as he finished his apple. He had to admit that the guildmaster would've been tired, but he could've ensured he wouldn't be a nuisance in his sleep. "Well, it looks like I'm going to hit the hay..." Darcy commented...
  6. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Darcy shook his head in protest as he retrieved an apple from his own bag. He turned to see if Raze did, and found that the guild leader was already asleep, and had his tail center placed to act as a campfire. "So, this has been an interesting trip, hasn't it?" Darcy said to Feht...
  7. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Darcy imagined the place, and replied, "Oh well, it sounds great. I wonder who we'll meet there..." Darcy looked out behind Raze. The city known as Merchant's City was on the horizon, it's unhuman based business going on into the now coming night. "Hey, you two! We're going to land...
  8. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Darcy was amazed that the cave had taken them to Hoenn. He hopped onto Raze's tail and looked to Feht as they took off. "Oi, you two, we're going to Percy's guild because I'd rather not go through that cave a second time, and Hoenn is a great distance from Kanto." With that Raze...
  9. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Raze shook his head in relative dismay, and Darcy proceeded on. They came to the exit of the cave in short time, and found themselves in the middle of a forest, near a stream, with the remanants of an old over-water bike pathin the distance opposite to the stream. "Uh, Raze, where...
  10. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    OOC @Darksong, I suppose we can incoporate where they could be in the region itself... IC - Lori Lori quickly rolled out of the way, seeing the arm of the abomnasnow crash into the forset floor. That was way too close... She thought to herself as she collided with her targets side with steel...
  11. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Erkart Erkart found himself in between an angry Machamp and a wall. The machamp was his target for a bounty that was listed. Apparantly the fool had attacked a shipment of items being made by a group of merchants, and highly devestated their income. Erkart had missed taking the quarry by...
  12. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Darcy Raze snorted in defiance and replied, "Yeah, well, now I'm more on my gaurd, to be honest I thought this would've been a cake walk, but now that I know that it ain't, well, you'll see that I ain't that pathetic." Darcy smiled to himself in amusement of the Guildmaster's cockiness...
  13. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Favian Favian nodded, and led the way. The location had been marked on their maps, and wasn't too far from Shadelight City. Upon arrival Favian looked at the entrance. It looked like it was a pure crack in the rock, something that would suggest her own weakness, fighting. She hadn'...
  14. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    GM The Sneasel dashed off, angered and furious with the lack of politeness shown by th Torterra. IC - Darcy The Froslass smirked and replied, "Explorers, eh? Then I've got a warning for you. Me, I'm not hostile, I just don't appreciate fiery light waking me up. But many of the pokemon...
  15. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    GM The Sneasel flinched at the anger in the Torterra's voice. He hadn't been expecting such an experienced group of adventurers to arrive, let alone anyone. "Uh, er...I dunno..." Was the Sneasels reply, defiant yet mostly true. He had blown out the lights to prove as a hinderance and to see...
  16. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    OOC: @Darksong At the moment, just make up some reasonable random missions, and dungeons, and go do them, be creative. I'm sandboxing it until the proper plot comes to mind. @All I may not be posting this weekend due to parental...restrictions, grrr... IC - Favian Favian nodded in agreement...
  17. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    The Sneasel, now highly injured, and finding that what he had done had gone to no avail, raised his clawed paws in surrender, and waited for what the team would do. He had not expected such an experienced Hitmontop who was that adept at locating his foes. Tag - Team Naturals IC - Darcy Raze...
  18. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    GM Annoyance time! As Atlas, Titan, Harpy, and Athena trapsed into the chamber to aid the fallen pokemon, they had no idea that they were being watched. Above them was a Sneasel, perched in a low hanging root that had burst through the cieling years ago. He watched as the team proceeded to the...
  19. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    IC - Lori As Lori sailed down to the entrance of Overgrown forest she sighed. The bounties were high ranked, and she was set, but some seemed to be missing. Passing it off as nothing, she proceeded to enter the forest. It was mainly inhabited by bugs, grass types, and the occasional Zagoon evo...
  20. Spatz

    Open Pokemon Remanants: Seeds of Chaos

    NPC -Percy Percy sighed in satisfaction after swallowing the last bite of his breakfast. Leaving the dining hall he re-entered the guild hall to get to his quarters, where he saw team Helsing sitting there in confusion. "Uh, you three can go about average daily business..." Percy said, kinda...
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